SBIR計畫簡介/Introduction to SBIR


SBIR計畫就是「鼓勵中小企業開發新技術推動計畫Small Business Innovation Research)」,它是經濟部為鼓勵國內中小企業加強創新技術或產品的研發,依據「經濟部促進企業開發產業技術辦法」所訂定的計畫,期望能以此協助國內中小企業創新研發,加速提升中小企業之產業競爭力,以迎接面臨之挑戰。


經濟及合作開發組織」(OECD)於民國八十五年發表「知識經濟報告」, 確認知識的創新產出與運用已成為國家競爭力及經濟成長的主要驅動力後,經濟部鑒於佔我國製造業總家數約佔97.25%之中小企業普遍面臨缺乏技術的困境,於是積極思考行動方案。


由 於我國民間產業以中小企業為主幹,因此規劃以類似美國SBIR(小企業創新研究)計畫之做法,以鼓勵我國中小企業進行產業技術與產品之創新研究,加速產業 升級提升國際競爭力,於是推動執行「鼓勵中小企業開發新技術推動計畫」,鼓勵中小企業進行產業技術與產品之創新研究,擴大民間研發的投入,並於八十八年二 月起開始受理中小企業申請本項補助計畫。



  • 未來將進一步加強本計畫輔導廠商之品質與廠商提案之品質,特別是協助中小企業創新研發、全球佈局與國際化經營,積極發揮計畫成效。
  • 在既有之計畫審議、管考程序運作下,將視需要進行必要之管理制度調整,以靈活計畫運作機制。
  • 除持續密切與經濟部中小企業創新育成協調中心聯繫、合作外,並與各地區工商聯誼會等組織建立合作關係,未來並希望加強與創投等業建立聯繫機制,以進一步培育國內新興中小企業。


The Dept. of Industrial Technology (DOIT) of Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), launched Taiwan's SBIR promoting program, mostly referred to the SBIR US version, in Nov. 1998 in order to encourage local start-up companies pursuing innovative research of industrial technologies and products.

In accordance with the Knowledge Economics Development Act, passed by the Executive Yuan in August 2000, SBIR promoting program may enhance the private sectors' R&D competitiveness through the mechanism of promoting technological innovation and utilizing Information Technology.

By 2010, SBIR promoting program may assist in achieving the nationwide goal:

  • Taiwan's R&D rises to 3% of GDP; and,
  • Private sectors' R&D increases up to 60%, including 70% from knowledge based Industries.

Types of Research encouraged by the program include:

  • Developing a brand new idea, concept or new technology.
  • Applying an existing technology to a new application.
  • Applying a new technology or business model to an existing application.
  • Improving an existing technology or product upon various aspects.

The applications are categorized to two phases:

  • Phase I. To evaluate scientific technical feasibility as well as industrial impact of an innovative idea or application.
  • Phase II. To implement R&D upon related technology and product based on an innovative and precise technical target which has completed feasibility evaluation.

Up to the end of June. 2002, the program has achieved:

  • 201 out of 280 Phase I's awarded.
  • 442 out of 785 Phase II's awarded.
  • Accumulated government subsidy NTD$1,523M vs. companies' self-funds NTD$3,502M.
  • Accumulated direct R&D manpower more than 4,600 persons, excluding outsourcing R&D resource.

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